Author: jasonboog

Why Is This Interesting?

I’ve spent the past few years writing for the “Why Is This Interesting?” newsletter. Here are a few of the strange and wonderful things I got to write about: Keith Jarrett and the ECM Sound I wrote about a legendary Keith Jarrett piano concert that helped define the sound of ECM Records, an immortal jazz […]

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A euchre hand

The Legend of Euchre

From German farmers to shipwrecked sailors to lonely astronauts, the card game
euchre has helped us cope with alien environments.

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The Deep End

I’m proud to say you can now buy my book, The Deep End: The Literary Scene in the Great Depression and Today. I’ve worked on this project for the last ten years, exploring the different ways writers survived the Great Depression. You can read more about my project at Why is this interesting?, Jewish Book […]

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The Ravens Revisited

Throughout the Great Depression, the Raven Poetry Circle sold poems in Washington Square Park and hosted readings in their apartments. In honor of that band of scrappy poets, we’ve put together a virtual reading with writers from around the country. You can watch the first installment below, and you can sign up for the next […]

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Artificial Intelligence & Writing

Can you imagine was it like to hear a synthesizer for the first time? To be one of the first musicians to make music with this technology that has changed the way we think about composition and sound? Writers have a similar opportunity right now — to be among the first to experiment with remarkable […]

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