A euchre hand

The Legend of Euchre

Almost 10 years ago, I wrote a story about the card game euchre for The Awl. That site no longer exists, but I saved the story for posterity as “The Legend of Euchre.”

Here’s an excerpt:

“These days, most Americans don’t even recognize the word ‘euchre,’ but it has been kept alive by loyal bands of Midwestern card players who live in Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, a geographical body dubbed the ‘Euchre Belt.’

“From German farmers to shipwrecked sailors to Martian invasion refugees to lonely astronauts, euchre has helped generations of immigrants cope with an alien environment. The game feels cozy and familiar no matter where you play it; a game best played in an unfamiliar place.”

Keep reading “The Legend of Euchre.”