About Jason Boog

I am a writer living in Los Angeles, leading the editorial team at Fable.

OR Books published The Deep End: The Literary Scene During the Great Depression and Today, my book about how different writers survived the Great Depression.

My work has appeared in The Believer, The Awl, Salon, NPR Books, The Los Angeles Review of Books, Peace Corps Writers, and other outlets. I was the West Coast correspondent for Publishers Weekly.

Simon & Schuster’s Touchstone imprint published Born Reading: Bringing Up Bookworms in a Digital Age, my handbook about how to raise kids who love to read.

After graduating from the University of Michigan, I spent two years teaching youth groups in Peace Corps Guatemala. Moving to New York City, I worked as an investigative reporter at Judicial Reports and a publishing blogger for Know More Media.

I spent five years as the publishing editor at Mediabistro, where I led the GalleyCat and AppNewser blogs.

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